BCSP Accepting Submissions for Recognition of Exceptional SH&E Practice

The Awards of Excellence Honor Outstanding Certificants

November 4, 2014

BCSP Accepting Submissions for Recognition of Exceptional SH&E PracticeThe Board of Certified Safety Professionals is now welcoming submissions for the 2015 BCSP Awards of Excellence (AoE). Recognizing the achievements of CSPs, OHSTs, and CHSTs, certificants may nominate themselves or colleagues for these prestigious awards. Each candidate is evaluated by the BCSP Awards Reveiw Committee, with recipients honored in the Award of Excellence Ceremony at the American Society of Safety Engineer’s (ASSE) Professional Development Conference (PDC).

The third annual AoE Ceremony was held at the Safety 2014 PDC in Orlando, Florida. Certificants honored in 2014 enjoyed the praise of over 800 of their colleagues at the ceremony. The 2015 ceremony will be held at Safety 2015 in Dallas, Texas.

The 2015 Award of Excellence guidelines, submission forms, and further information is available on the BCSP Award of Excellence webpage.