BCSP Expands Access to GSP Qualified Academic Programs

December 8, 2016

BCSP Expands Access to GSP Qualified Academic ProgramsBCSP is proud to announce the Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) Program has expanded its Qualified Academic Programs List.

A GSP is a designation, available to safety degree graduates from degree programs which meet BCSP GSP Qualified Academic Program (QAP) standards, that fulfills the Certified Safety Professionals’ (CSP) credential requirement. A Qualified Academic Program (QAP) is an academic degree program in safety, health, and environment meeting BCSP standards for participation and whose curriculum has been reviewed as showing a substantial match with the Associate Safety Professional (ASP). Now that BCSP has added even more QAPs to the list, it is providing more opportunities for students to be on the path toward the CSP certification.

BCSP has added 10 new QAPs to the GSP QAP List, and is open to evaluating new applications.

Feedback on the QAP expansion has been positive, and BCSP is pleased to welcome the new programs. Dr. Joseph Cali, Chairperson of Safety Management at Slippery Rock University says, “The magnitude of the response from our December graduates and Alums was overwhelmingly positive that Slippery Rock University’s Safety Management Degree has been approved as a Qualified Academic Program by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. Their comments indicated that the GSP has now provided them with a pathway to pursue a CSP and they are extremely proud that the Board of Certified Safety Professionals has recognized the quality of their Safety Management Degree.”

BCSP will be adding new GSP Qualified Academic Programs (QAPs) every month. If you have applied for the ASP certification and are interested in applying for the GSP designation, please contact us at +1 317-593-4800. We look forward to assisting you.

To learn more about the GSP and view the full list of QAPs, please visit www.bcsp.org/gsp.