BCSP is pleased to announce the following Board of Directors elections. Linda F. Martin, CSP, SMS, ASP, OHST, CHST, STSC, CET, will remain the Board President in 2019. Joshua J. Franklin, CSP, SMS, CET has been elected as Vice President; C. Christopher Patton, CSP, SMS, ASP will serve as Past President; and Mario A. Varela, CSP, ASP, will serve as Treasurer. We look forward to their expertise in serving BCSP and its certificants in 2019.
Lyon is the Vice President and Director of Risk Management Services with Hays Companies. Lyon holds a B.S. degree in Industrial Safety and a degree in Occupational Safety Management/Fire Science from the University of Central Missouri (UCM). Lyon has over 35 years of experience managing and directing risk services for a wide range of national and global organizations. He is the Advisory Board Chair to UCM’s Safety Sciences Program, Vice Chair of US TAG 262 for ISO 31000, and member of the ANSI Z590.3 Prevention Through Design review committee. He is the co-author of Risk Assessment: a Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risk and lead author of Risk Management Tools for Safety Professionals. Lyon received the CSP Award of Excellence from BCSP in 2018.
Harf is the Vice President of Environmental, Health, Safety, and Sustainability (EHS&S) for L’Oreal Operations in Clark, NJ. Harf has 23 years of safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) experience with several Fortune 500 organizations including Marsh & McLennan, Johnson Controls, and Lutron Electronics. He is a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), a Certified Professional Environmental Auditor (CPEA) and a Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM). He is also an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Special Governmental Employee (SGE). Harf holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Industrial Safety from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and is currently a doctoral candidate in the Leadership program at Alvernia University.
McMichael is the President of The Learning Factory, Inc. She has 29 years of experience in safety and health education, training, communication, and leadership. McMichael is also the founder of Peace, Love & Safety, the leadership and training catalyst supporting organizations while elevating their SH&E programs. She is an active volunteer, serving BCSP, ASSP, the National Safety Council (NSC), and is an active member of the Association for Talent Development at the National Speakers Association (NSA). McMichael’s background allows her to provide hands-on expertise in the research, writing, and production of books, training manuals, videos, and articles. She has worked in the construction, insurance, aerospace, automotive, and service industries. McMichael loves traveling the world delivering her safety and leadership messages to professionals and workers.
The 2019 Board of Directors includes: Joaquin M. Diaz, CSP, CHST, OHST; V. Raymond Ferrara, CFP (Public Director); Joshua J. Franklin, CSP, SMS, CET (Vice President); Jay Harf, CSP; Jim S. Kreinbrink, CSP; Bruce Lyon, CSP; Daniel T. Lyons, CSP; Linda F. Martin, CSP, SMS, ASP, OHST, CHST, STSC, CET (President); Regina McMichael, CSP, CET; Michael H. Overholt, CSP, OHST; C. Christopher Patton, CSP, SMS, ASP (Past President); Leslie R. Stockel, CSP, SMS; Mario A. Varela, CSP, ASP (Treasurer); and Treasa M. Turnbeaugh, PhD, CSP, ASP, CET (Chief Executive Officer, Board Secretary).