The Certified Environmental, Safety and Health Trainer’s (CET) requirements will be changing, its name will be updated, and BCSP will soon be offering the opportunity to purchase the certification’s exam for a reduced price as part of the CET Beta Exam program.
Beginning May 23, 2019, the CET will require:
- 135 hours of teaching, training, or development in any SH&E specialty.
- Passing the CET examination.
Removing the qualified credential requirement eliminates a barrier that is preventing many qualified candidates from attempting the exam. The 135-hour SH&E training requirement ensures candidates have the requisite competence.
The CET Beta Exam will be available for $150, reduced from its regular price of $300, to the first 150 candidates who purchase it on or after June 6, 2019. It must be taken from June 20-August 1, 2019. Examination results will be available in the third quarter of 2019.
The CET Beta Exam will have 132 items (questions) and candidates will have three (3) hours to complete the exam. Reducing the number of items on the examination will allow the content to be fully assessed while avoiding redundancy between items and content. A survey was sent to all current CET certificants to evaluate the effect of reducing the number of exams items, finding:
- Sixty-three percent indicated that the examination length could be reduced with no effect on the value of the certification.
- Respondents indicated that classroom experience/time better defined the abilities of a CET than the results of a single examination.
- Many respondents indicated that the quality of the items is more important than the quantity.
After the results of the CET Beta Exam are analyzed and released, the CET’s name will be changed to Certified Instructional Trainer (CIT), which more clearly reflects the exam’s focus on adult education principles and instructional design. All CET credential holders, including retired, will from that point hold the CIT.
The beta versions of the CET blueprint, reference list, and self-assessment will become available on May 23. The final versions will become available under the new CIT name on August 30, 2019.