Read the First Quarter 2017 BCSP eNewsletter

April 6, 2017

Read the First Quarter 2017 BCSP eNewsletterThe latest BCSP eNewsletter is available for everyone.

The First Quarter 2017 eNewsletter features:

  • An interview with an accomplished CSP on how she developed a dedication to safety
  • A review of new and renewed collaborative agreements BCSP is fulfilling to benefit the safety profession
  • Recognition of the students who recieved BCSP scholarships, awarded through ABET-accredited GSP Qualified Academic Programs
  • Details on the development of the Safety Management Specialist (SMS) certification
  • An update on international safety certification and outreach done to develop the profession around the world
  • The 2016 Mentor Honor Roll
  • Upcoming safety campaigns of interest to safety practitioners, and much more…

Read the enewsletter here and, if you like the issue, remember to share it on your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.