The latest BCSP eNewsletter is available for everyone.
The Third Quarter 2019 eNewsletter features:
- Message from the President of the Board
- BCSP examCORE Pre-Exam Training’s Beta Form Released
- CSP and ASP Beta Exams Available at Reduced Price, CET Certification Now CIT
- Creating a Comprehensive Safety Culture Through Certification
- Visit Our Military & Veterans Benefits Webpage
- BCSP Focuses on Youth Safety, Education
- A New Way to Recertify!
- BCSP and PCC Seek to Add Professional Certification to Internal Revenue Code of 1986
- CSP Becomes First KSA Grand Master
- A Poll: Which New BCSP Feature/Program is most beneficial to you?
Read the eNewsletter here and, if you like the issue, remember to share it on your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.