BCSP Ambassadors

Ashok Garlapati

Ashok Garlapati

Ashok Garlapati, CSP, FASSP, CFIOSH, QEP is the Lead Auditor of the ISO9001, ISO 14001, and ISO45001 standards and approved as an IOSH & Global OSHA authorized trainer. He has over 30 years of experience in SH&E consultancy and management in the oil and gas industries.

Garlapati is a professional member of ASSP and played an important role in the establishment of several ASSP chapters around the world. He volunteers as a BCSP Ambassador and mentored several SH&E professionals in attaining their certifications.

Garlapati was honored by ASSP with the Charles V. Culbertson Award, Region VI Safety Professional of the Year Award, Edgar Monsanto Queeny Safety Professional of the Year Award, and conferred with ASSP Fellow Honor for his contributions to the SH&E profession.Ambassador Bio Here