Government Partnerships
Working Together to Advance the Safety Profession
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) partners with other organizations that share an interest in the advancement of safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) practice and practitioners.
Industry Partnerships
Government Partnerships

BCSP and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) established a partnership in 2012, signing a formal BCSP-NIOSH Agreement with the goal of improving occupational safety and health at workplaces throughout the United States. BCSP and NIOSH utilize expertise in effective prevention strategies and technology as part of this collaborative effort. The partnership also encourages students to pursue safety as a career and advances their competency in that field.
Motor Vehicle Safety
Motor vehicle-related incidents are consistently the leading cause of work-related fatalities in the US. NIOSH provides resources on motor vehicle safety.
Fall Prevention Campaign
Falls are the number one cause of construction-worker fatalities. To turn this problem around, connect with the Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction.
Using Aerial Lifts
Popular at construction, warehousing, and many other jobsites, learn about the fall-related risks and recommended safe work practices associated with aerial lifts by visiting the new NIOSH Aerial Lifts webpage.
 Occupational Violence
Prevent workplace violence with NIOSH’s occupational violence resources, including a new online course for nurses.
Preventing Harm from Backing Vehicles
Operate construction vehicles safely using NIOSH’s Preventing Worker Injuries and Deaths from Backing Construction Vehicles and Equipment at Roadway Construction Worksites.
Fall Prevention Through Design
Stop falls with NIOSH’s Preventing Falls from Heights through the Design of Embedded Safety Features.
Ladder Safety App
The NIOSH Ladder Safety app for mobile devices analyzes ladder safety on site, providing ladder safety tools, information, reference materials, and training resources as well.
Protecting The Safety of Home Building Workers
Promote safety on you work site with these simple solutions (English/Spanish).
Nail Gun Safety
Combat nail gun injuries with these six practices outlined by NIOSH (English/Spanish).
Prevention of Cold Stress
NIOSH provides important training material regarding work in persistent cold weather or other conditions conducive to cold stress.

BCSP partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as part of the OSHA Alliance in 2018. Through the Alliance, OSHA and BCSP work to provide BCSP certification holders and others with information, guidance, and access to resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers and understand the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).
Osha Alliance
BCSP is part of the OSHA Alliance, entailing specific areas of collaboration outlined online here.
Safe + Sound Campaign
Join the Safe + Sound Campaign to learn more about how, through the identification and control of job-related hazards that can lead to injuries and illnesses, safety and health programs improve small- and medium-sized businesses’ safety and health performance, save money, and improve competitiveness.
National Safety Stand-Down
Join the national effort to prevent falls in construction through participation in the National Safety Stand-Down.
Prevention of Heat Illness
Protect workers in conditions of heat and humidity with resources provided as part of OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention Campaign.
Alliance Related Documents
As BCSP participates in the OSHA Alliance, related documents may be found online here.
Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs
The Recommended Practices present a step-by-step approach to implementing a safety and health program, built around seven core elements that make up a successful program.
Fall Prevention Educational Materials and Resources
OSHA provides a collection of fall prevention educational materials and resources for workers and employers.
Worker Safety During Disaster Cleanup and Recovery
Harm reduction is important both before and after disasters. Ensure recovery workers’ safety with the OSHA factsheet Keeping Workers Safe during Disaster Cleanup and Recovery.